Monday, May 14, 2012

Highly Sensitive

Welcome Blog Hoppers!

Today is our last day : ( Thank you all for stopping by and leaving your comments and signing up for the Blog Hop Giveaway draw and my thanks to those who are "following" has been fun and such a blessing to meet so many wonderful people and discover what others are writing about, how God is moving.

As I promised, here is my second book on the subject of how highly sensitive people experience life. If you find it a struggle to manage, you may find some guidelines that will help you rein life in to where you can manage it! Take a look.

Self-help books, codependency teachings and recovery groups tell you that you are responsible for your own feelings. That no one else can "make" you feel a certain way, rather, it is a fault of your own thinking patterns. It is good and important to learn to take responsibility, but what if you have done everything you can to be responsible for "your own stuff,” and still feel deep uncontrollable feelings? What more can you do? Welcome to the ongoing quest to make sense of life—to find meaning among the odd and confusing thoughts and emotions that seem to come from “nowhere!”

Highly sensitive people—burden bearers—can easily become overwhelmed by the continual flow of sensory data. Your DNA drives you to "help," but it seems like everyone else’s agenda is worked on but never yours. You try to finish a task but are continually interrupted because their problem needs attention now! How do you stop people and life from overwhelming you? This book was written to help you rein life in so that it becomes more manageable.
·       I talk about how to sort through the confusing jumble of “stuff”
·       to figure out what is your own feeling, your own sore growth spot, from all that continually bombards you, and
·       what is a burden God wants you to carry to the cross! Learning how to discern these differences is a huge learning and essential if you are to thrive as a highly sensitive Christian, rather than just survive.
  • If the enemy has you by both ears it is difficult to hear God!
  • Learning to bring intuitive responses to consciousness will be a process
  • Jesus is the master burden bearer—you and I are apprentices.
Burden bearing is learning to understand God’s language. You are learning a language, a spiritual language—and language learning takes time. Learning, means that you will not do it right the first time or all the time! And that is okay! The world will not stop spinning, and those you love will not self destruct if you “do not do it right” or miss it altogether.You will find help with that in this book.

If you have spent your life being the family’s emotional dumping ground or steam vent, told that you are too sensitive and you better toughen up, called crazy, a basket case, etc…if you have been mocked, dismissed minimized or rejected, after a while you begin to believe what others say, and agree. You begin to see yourself the way others describe you. Your reaction is “to not want to be this way” and to shut off the incoming emotion—if only you could! How you see and feel about yourself has a great deal to do with how you come to God and what you believe He can and will do because you ask Him to! If you are to thrive rather than just survive as a highly sensitive burden bearer you need to build or repair some inner structures. This book will help you do that.

Highly Sensitive, Learning to Live With The Gift focuses on the spiritual habits and disciplines you can develop to cooperate with God's plan for you. Many things God does for us, but we can learn, mature and developing spiritually--that is our part.

Seeing life from the perspective that it is a time of preparation was a comfort to me. Like Queen Esther, you will be presented to The King one day. This life is about learning how to walk, talk, live and love like royalty. And, if you are highly sensitive, burden bearing may be the spiritual workout regimen that molds and sculpts you into a striking resemblance of Jesus. My prayer is that in reading this book you will understand yourself better,  that it will help you be kinder to yourself, and provide you with specific and practical things you can do as you cooperate with God to heal and restructure your inner being! Some chapters lend themselves to more in-depth meditation and personal work with the Lord. For those chapters, I designed worksheets which you may download free from my website:  (Click Downloadables tab.)

I was 40 before I learned about burden bearing. What a relief that was! Life does not have to be burdensome. You do not have to endure life as a joyless existence, to hang on until eventually God calls you home! Be encouraged—there is hope and meaning. Jesus will take you at your word when you ask Him to be in charge of your sensitivity. That puts Him in the driver’s seat, so buckle your seat belts! He doesn’t slow down on the learning curve—and it is a doozie! Hang on and enjoy the ride!

Highly Sensitive is available on Amazon, from Destiny Image Publishers, and my website ( if you would like an autographed copy!
Blessings, Carol
P.S. Be sure to sign up for the drawing! Today is the last opportunity. Tomorrow I will find out who wins the prize of a set of books! And if you have comments do leave them and I will respond ASAP!

Blog Hop Participants:

1. Lorilyn Roberts (John 3:16 Network Blog)

2. Lynn DoveWord Salt (Host blog) -

6. April Gardner -

8. Thomas Blubaugh -

10. Heather Bixler

12. Deborah Bateman -

17. Amanda Stephan -

18. Saundra Dalton

24. Martin Roth

25. Janet Perez Eckles -

26. Kenneth Winters

27. Eddie Snipes

29. Janalyn Voigt -

32. Marcia Laycock

35. Elaine Marie Cooper -

37. Jairus B. King

40. Bob Saffrin -

42. Ray Lincoln -

46. Pauline Creeden -

47. Katherine Harms -

50. Melissa Main

52. Sandy Humphrey -


  1. Thanks for your post, great getting to meet you!

    1. Good to meet you too Felice! I hope to connect with you and do something radio-ish! Blessings.
