Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I received the following endorsement of my book, a couple days ago and I thought I would share with you. I appreciate that this person took the time to write; I enjoy hearing from readers. When I receive such a lovely endorsement it melts me and amazes me that God has actually, authentically used me. He can turn everything to good! He truly does do above and beyond all that we can imagine with our little loves and fishes!

Hi Carol
I have posted the following at Glory of Zion: " The Mystery of Spiritual Sensitivity (2008) – Carol A. Brown, Destiny Image. This book is well worth the effort of ploughing through its 348 pages. As a human resources and higher education scholar, I found Carol’s well researched insights powerfully informative. A suitable tool for studying the spiritual or emotional intelligences that makes for effective practice in Christian counselling.

Though not presented as a typical scholarly text, The Mystery of Spiritual Sensitivity carries comparable weight. It would make a useful reader for a postgraduate diploma course or a 2nd, 3rd year psychology major. I’d also recommend it to frontline HR professionals, HE administrators and tutorial faculty, careers counsellors and relationship advisors – as well as pastoral advisors, spouses and parents. In fact, anyone who wants to nurture healthy relationships with those around them, or simply understand themselves a little better.

Carol Brown is to be commended for her candidness and obvious courage in walking through what she has written. Her tenacity in putting together such a comprehensive work is also to be admired. Thank you, Carol."

If you know someone who struggles because they are "so sensitive" this book would be a great help to them in understanding why they are the way they are and the blessings that came come to us collectively because they are that way--not crazy, just different! And that is a good thing!

Blessings, Carol

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